
believing the witnesses of injustice

And we, like Thomas, have stood back, shaking our heads at their stories, doubting their telling, unconvinced of their truth. We have demanded our right to see and touch, no matter how painful that demand is for someone else. We have held our tongues, except for the occasional spoken doubt.

This Easter season, I want to remove some of the saintly aura around the doubt of Thomas.

believing the witnesses of injustice

Prayers of the People Following a Violent Death

Holy One, we dare once again to call you Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer;

though we are reeling from the violence in this world you created, 

though we are angered and hurt by acts that feel as though they are beyond redemption, 

though we grieve lives that were not sustained in their earthly form. 

Prayers of the People Following a Violent Death