a prayer
Prayers of the People for October 15th <lectionary text 1 Samuel 3:1 - 21>
God of the flood and the fire, we are so like Samuel, jumping up and running to respond to the cries we think we hear, hoping to serve the needs of others.
We can wear ourselves out running from one cry to the next, especially in the midst of so much need, of so much suffering.
And sometimes God we find ourselves wondering where are YOU?
We know how weβre supposed to respond when we hear your call so here we are Lord, ready to serve You and your people, but where are you?
Where are you?
Are you in Texas, drying the floods?
Are you in Puerto Rico, stilling the winds of chaos?
Are you in Nevada, healing the wounds and binding the broken hearts?
Are you in the valleys north of here, satisfying the flames so they turn to embers?
Here we are Lord, all too aware of the growing needs of your world - shelter for those who never thought they would need it.
Here we are, ready to comfort those whose lost is unspeakable, the tragic, untimely death of a loved one.
Here we are, Lord. Speak, Lord, for your servants are listening.
We are listening, God! We are ready! We are ready for you to do something in your midst that will make our ears tingle. We are ready for you to fulfill all that you have promised. Speak, Lord, for your servants are listening.
May we hear you in the words spoken here, in your word, in our prayers, in the familiar hymns. May we see you in the faces of those gathered to worship, gathered to declare your goodness even when that seems unfathomable.
And O God may we hear you and see you in a new way. Here we are, Lord. Where are you? Speak, Lord, for your servants are listening.